About Andric
Andric is a Singer/Songwriter from Vienna. As soon as he learned 3 chords, he started to write his own songs. Through the last 15 years he was struggling to find out what he wants to do in life, and what to do with his music. He lost track and was caught in a comfort zone. He fought back, but for 8 years wasn’t able to write a single song. 2019 he finished the Camino to Santiago de Compostela after more than 2000 miles. He walked through Austria, Switzerland, France and Spain. He didn’t have any expectations, just wanted to take some time off. But because of the people he met along the way and the experiences he had, he came back with so much inspiration, he couldn’t stop writing songs. He published his first EP "I Am Gone" last year. Now he tries to play it as much as possible live wherever people want to hear his music. Disclaimer: He absolutely did't write this himself.